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“Get Back to the Sport You Love

“Specialized Online Personal Training for Active People Dealing with Groin, Hip, Back, and Sciatica Issues”

Get Back to the Activity You Love

“We understand the frustration of trying to stay active when you’re dealing with discomfort in your hips, lower back, or sciatica. While bodybuilding routines or exercises found on YouTube might seem like the answer, they often lack the specificity needed to create the right adaptations in your body. Our personalized workout programs help you build strength, flexibility, and range of motion without aggravating your problem areas, all while addressing the root causes that generic programs miss.”

Eagle Scout Owned

15 yrs+

Personal Training Experience

2 hr

Time required a week to see changes


Clients trained virtually

Strength & Conditioning

An active life has requirements.

Strength & Conditioning will help you perform at your best and reduce risk factors for injuries.

We Customize All Programs

Can’t do a plank? We have an exercise for that! Can’t squat without back pain, we have an alternate exercise to challenge the leg!

Personalized Training is an art form. We will design your entire program around your physical abilities and personal goals.

Video Library

Learn how to move again!

Deadlifting With A Bad Back

Watch our full length Youtube Video that covers how to work around a bad back.

The Magic of Side Planks

Side planks are a MUST have to bullet proof your lower back. Watch this video!

The Fountain of Youth

Increasing glute max activity can help take pressure off knees and backs.

Building Your Best Core​

Front planks can be progressed and regressed to just start your core. Watch!

Deep Core – Breathing Tips

Diaphragmatic breathing is the best at deep core activation! Watch this!

Safer Squats

The split squat can be a better way to work around a back low back.

Sebastian Gonzales

Owner/ Trainer

Mandy Wainfan


Dawne Costantino


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